Monday, April 18, 2011

returning to New Orleans

It is said the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. My daughter is now living in New Orleans! And, we are returning to this great area of the world for a visit. She is actually outside of the town, in Metarie, which is evidently the first "suburb" of NOLA. That though is close enough for me! . . . . We're staying in the quarter on Boubon, at the same hotel as before and we're already planning out our eating schedule for the four day trip. Of all the places I've visited in this vast world, I have traveled to New Orleans the most for pleasure. This will count as the fourth eating soiree and I'm been there for work another five times. I recently sent my son down there to visit his sister during the Marde Gras and he had a hoot. I don't mind missing that madness, but I do miss that food and culture.... I also miss my daughter. I have not seen her since November.